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General Information of Volvo Power Generation Engine

General information of Volvo Engine

This Service Manual contains technical data, descriptions and maintenance and repair instructions for standard model Volvo Penta products. A list of these products may be found in the section Specifications. The product designation and the serial number and specification is indicated on the engine decal or type plate. This information must be included in all correspondence regarding the product. The service manual is produced primarily for the use of Volvo Penta workshops and their qualified personnel. It is assumed that any person using the Service Manual has a fundamental knowledge of the product and is able to carry out mechanical and electrical work to trade standard.

Volvo Penta continually develops its products; we therefore reserve the right to make changes. All information in this manual is based on product data which was available up to the date on which the manual was printed. New working methods and significant changes introduced to the product after this date are communicated in the form of Service bulletins.

Spare Parts

Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are subject to various national safety standards. Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts meet these standards. No damage of any kind caused by the use of spare parts not approved by Volvo Penta will be compensated by any warranty undertaking.

Certified engines

When carrying out service and repair on emission-certified engines, it is important to be aware of the following: Certification means that an engine type has been inspected and approved by the relevant authority. The engine manufacturer guarantees that all engines of the same type are manufactured to correspond to the certified engine.

This places special demands on service and repair work, namely:

• Maintenance and service intervals recommended by Volvo Penta must be complied with.

• Only spare parts approved by Volvo Penta may be used.

• Service on injection pumps, pump settings and injectors must always be carried out by an authorized Volvo Penta workshop.

• The engine must not be converted or modified, except with accessories and service kits which Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.

• No changes to the exhaust pipe and engine air inlet duct installations may be made.

• No warranty seals (where present on the product) may be broken by unauthorized persons.

The general instructions in the Operator's Manual concerning operation, service and maintenance apply.


Neglected or poorly-performed care/service and the use of spare parts not approved by Volvo Penta, will mean that AB Volvo Penta no longer guarantees that the engine conforms to the certified model.

Volvo Penta accepts no responsibility for damage or costs arising as a result of failure to follow the above mentioned standards.

Repair instructions


The working methods described in this manual are based on a workshop scenario where the product is mounted in a holding fixture. Maintenance work is often carried out on site, in which case – if nothing else is indicated – using the same working methods as the workshop.

Warning symbols that occur in the service manual.

For significance, refer to Safety Information .





are by no means comprehensive since not everything can be foreseen as service work is carried out in the most varied of circumstances. We call attention to risks that may occur due to incorrect handling during work in a well-equipped workshop using working methods and tools tried and tested by us.

The service manual describes work operations carried out with the aid of Volvo Penta Special Tools, where such have been developed. Volvo Penta Special Tools are designed to ensure the safest and most rational working methods possible. It is therefore the responsibility of anyone using tools or working methods other than those we recommend to ensure that no risk of personal injury or mechanical damage is present, or that malfunction can result.

In some cases, special safety regulations and user instructions may be in force for the tools and chemicals mentioned in the Service Manual. These regulations must always be followed, and no special instructions regarding this are to be found in the Service Manual.

By taking these basic precautions and using common sense it will be possible to guard against most elements of risk. A clean workplace and a clean product will eliminate many risks of personal injury and malfunction.

Above all, when working on fuel systems, hydraulic systems, lubrication systems, turbochargers, inlet systems, bearings and seals, it is of the utmost importance that dirt and foreign objects are kept away, as malfunctions or shortened service intervals may otherwise result.

Our mutual responsibility

Each product comprises a large number of interacting systems and components. A deviation from the technical specification may dramatically increase the environmental impact of an otherwise reliable system. It is therefore critical that the stated wear tolerances be adhered to, that systems which can be adjusted be correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta Original Parts are used. The intervals in the care and maintenance schedule must be followed. Some systems, e.g. fuel systems, often require special expertise and test equipment. A number of components are factory-sealed, for among other things environmental reasons. Warranty-sealed components may not be worked on without authorization to perform such work.

Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly used, are harmful to the environment. Volvo Penta recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers whenever components are cleaned, unless otherwise specified in the Service Manual. When working outdoors, take especial care to ensure that oils and wash residues etc. are correctly properly for destruction.

Tightening torques

Tightening torques for vital fasteners that must be applied using a torque wrench are indicated in the Service Manual, chapter Tightening torques and in the Manual's work descriptions. All torque indications apply to clean threads, bolt heads and mating faces. Indicated torque data apply to lightly-oiled or dry threads. If lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are required for fasteners, the correct type will be noted in the job description.

Torque, angle tightening

When torque/angle tightening, the fastener is tightened to a specified torque, and tightening then continues through a pre-determined angle. Example: For 90° angle tightening, the fastener is turned a further 1/4 turn in one sequence, after the specified tightening torque has been achieved.

Lock nuts

Removed locknuts may not be re-used; they must be replaced by new ones, as locking properties are impaired or lost with re-use. In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts the tightening torque indicated must be reduced if the nut has the same nut height as a standard, all-metal hexagonal nut.

Reduce the torque by 25% for bolt sizes of 8 mm or larger. In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts with a high nut-height (where the all-metal thread is as high as a standard hexagonal nut), the indicated torque applies.

Strength classes

Nuts and bolts are subdivided into different strength classes. The classification is shown by a marking on the bolt head. Markings of a higher number indicate stronger material. For example, a bolt marked 10-9 is stronger than one marked 8-8. For this reason, it is important that when bolts are removed they are returned to their original locations on re-assembly. When replacing bolts check the applicable Spare parts catalogue to ensure the correct bolt is used.

Sealing compounds etc.

To ensure service work is correctly carried out it is important that the correct type of sealants and locking fluids are used on joints where such are required. In each service manual section concerned, the sealants used in product manufacture are indicated. The same sealants, or sealants with equivalent properties, must be used for maintenance work. Make sure that mating surfaces are dry and free from oil, grease, paint and anti-corrosion agent before applying sealant or locking fluid. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding applicable temperatures, hardening times and such.

Two basic types of compound are used:

RTV preparations (Room Temperature Vulcanizing).

Used most often together with gaskets, e.g. sealing gasket joints, or are brushed on gaskets. RTV sealants are completely visible when the part has been removed. Old RTV sealant must be removed before the component is sealed again. Use denatured alcohol.

Anaerobic agents.

These agents cure (harden) in the absence of air. These preparations are used when two solid components, e.g. two cast components, are fitted together without a gasket. Common uses are also to lock and seal plugs, stud threads, taps, oil pressure monitors etc.

Hardened anaerobic preparations are glassy and for this reason, the preparations are coloured to make them visible. Hardened anaerobic preparations are highly resistant to solvents, and old compound cannot be removed. On re-assembly, it is important to carefully degrease and wipe dry components first, before applying new sealant in accordance with the instructions.

Safety regulations for fluorocarbon rubber

Fluorocarbon rubber is a common material in sealing rings for shafts, and in O-rings, for example.

When fluorocarbon rubber is exposed to high temperatures (above 300°C/572°F), hydrofluoric acid can form. This is highly corrosive. Contact with the skin can result in severe chemical burns. Splashes in your eyes can result in chemical wounds. If you breathe in the fumes, your lungs can be permanently damaged.

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